Common results from working with me:

  • More in the flow. Less in your head, more present with people and life.
  • Move more into your own voice. We actively work on the voice and expression to be assertive, more confidence.
  • Relationships improve. As we integrate our own stuff, a guaranteed result is our interactions with others clear up.
  • Complaining and blaming stops. I have had a number of both men and women who have told me they grew up in this work. Meaning they became a man or woman. There is a sense we finally take responsibility for your lives and become adults.

While sitting in traffic I did the Integration Steps. Within about 10min I went from feeling 9 in intensity to 0. I felt so much peace after just 10mins of integrating. – Veronica (USA)

Who is best suited to this work:

  • Too much in your head? Often clients suffer from overactive intellectual analysis, (overactive masculine energy), analyzing rather than living in the flow of life (heart, feminine).
  • Endlessly seeking. Perhaps a constant need to learn, understand, resolve. Continually consuming spirituality and self help books, podcasts etc.
  • Emotionally unavailable partners, friends. Those around us are reflections of ourselves, they show us what we are working with.
  • A struggle with the opposite sex in general. Many of my female clients deeply love men, however feel very triggered by some men in company and relationships.
  • A struggle with intimacy. A love hate struggle around sexuality. I encounter clients who may be very free sexually but struggle with intimacy, or crave intimacy and a loving relationship but feel shut down sexually.
  • I meet clients who are often overworked, highly educated and successful in their career, yet a lack of personal fulfillment and peace, especially in personal relationships.
  • Issues with alcohol, weed or various drugs is also common.


Regardless of how I currently feel, this is still one of the most beautiful, profound experiences I’ve ever had. – J.S. (UK)


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I’m grateful you showed me a different way of being, a deeper presence to be found with myself and others. – Rebeccah (USA)

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