Evil Does Not Exist

In a ceremony last weekend I received further guidance on who I am and what my role here is, but I also encountered yet more dark energy that I released. This dark energy can be called entities or demons but increasingly I feel the later terms are not warranted. The demons or entities are in fact merely energy, that we form from our own consciousness. I am the darkness and the light.

But something I have often heard others talk about, and I “believed” myself, I finally had the fortune to experience. I was shown that all is from the light. In the retreat on my journey, it can feel as if there is no time, so I don’t know how long this lesson took, I assume moments or minutes in our own understanding.

I was shown that all is from the light.

Below is my take on Demons and dark energy (this was recorded before seeing all as light)

The receiving of a lesson can take on a different means than we use in this life. Communication is via telepathy and an understanding can be what feels like multi sensory, using senses we do not have as humans. So I can fully grasp a message or lesson, but then struggle to translate it into words, or certainly words seem to fail to capture the fullness of the information and experience.

[pullquote] Evil does not exist

So I can’t describe what I saw or how I experienced it. I was shown and understood in that moment, that all darkness is merely the light agreeing to play a role, to put on a costume to assist us to gain a further experience. We invite all experiences into our lives, we agreed to them before entering this world, we planned out where we wanted to go, how we wanted to get there and other beings, actually other parts of consciousness, volunteered to play those roles for us, to help give us that fuller experience. But those other beings are seeking their own experience, so in a sense they are not doing us a favour, they will gain their own valuable experience by playing out the role, and by our response to them. But, “they” are actually us. 

Over the past two years I have been lucky to gain actual experiential understanding of some of my spiritual views. This has resulted in a greater realization of what we are exploring here, but, after I had the above experience I then continued on quite a dark and somewhat reptilian journey.

[pullquote align=”right”] All the world’s a stage – Shakespeare.

My point is, simply knowing these things intellectually is not enough although it does help. As I have said before all the information we need is in books around the world, the information in itself cannot set us free. I can describe the strawberry to you as best I can, the colour, size, attempt at texture and flavour, but until you bite into the strawberry you will really never know the experience of eating one.

These experiences were not granted to me free of charge, I have paid a price for each one by venturing into the unknown, usually full of fear. Facing fear is an ongoing challenge for me. I often find this work terrifying, and struggle at times to let go, but I know I can no longer remain as I am. I have outgrown the old me and my perception of this world, as much as I seek comfort, I must explore what lies over the edge of the cliff. By facing these darkest fears may we be granted our greatest gifts.

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