Freedom | Expansion | Evolution

Surfing Consciousness

Surfing Consciousness

As I discussed in my previous article about the mirror, There Is No Spoon, all the challenges in your life you invited. Your Higher Self is sending these people that challenge, irritate, anger you, they are gifts, they play a role and mirror your own consciousness, the vibration that arises within you, is within you, and being shown to you for you to heal it. What you see before your eyes is entirely a physical reflection of your consciousness, all of it.

Feeling stuck, or stagnant, is when we are less aware of the lessons being sent. There are no days off. The Higher Self has not taken a break for a few months to let us claw around in the dark. We are immersed in feedback. Often feeling stuck is simply because we have not found the courage to take action, and often many of us will wait until we have no choice, until we are backed into a corner. I was that guy and probably will be again. And that’s okay, lessons come in waves, it takes practise to read the wave.

If I look long enough in the mirror, I will see my Self

There are lessons all around us, the people we bump into, the traffic before us, the weather. It all depends how conscious we are at any given moment. Of course these days many of us like to think we are “awake”. As I’ve said many times, the awakening is continuous. Sure we are more “awake” than we were six months ago, many of us receive upgrades and downloads.

Some questions to consider:

  • Are you in optimum health?
  • Can you manifest before your eyes?
  • Are all of your relationships harmonious?
  • Supremely, are you at peace, riding the flow of consciousness or do you get tripped up from time to time?

If you answered No to any of these questions then you have more work to do, your awakening continues. If you answered Yes to all and levitate in a state of bliss please contact me I have some questions.

So there may be many layers that we are still asleep to. Not only asleep to, but would downright reject and ridicule if someone presented them to us. A few years back I rejected the ideas of demons and other entities, since then I have encountered many demons who at first I feared and hated and am now learning to love, embrace as my brothers and sisters, my teachers, and ultimately pieces of my own soul.

So all is evolving, unfolding, ever changing. I try to remind myself to remain loose with my beliefs because in a blasting meditation, or while sitting in stillness watching the joggers and dogs pass by, the foundations may shake again and I may be cast, as before, into no mans land, unsure of where the pieces may sit.

We only hear when we are ready to hear

So although we move through our day, conscious, not literally sleeping, we are often unconscious to our surroundings, and it takes work, retraining, and effort to try to stay conscious bit by bit. This is not a race, little by little, consistent steps generate great changes. Forget about ascension or enlightenment, we each came here for specific soul lessons, lets work on getting in tune with what they are, and take action. Let’s clear the shit away now, gain some balance, a solid foundation, and who knows what’s possible.

If I look long enough at the mirror, I’ll see my self, in each person around me, all of them. I resonate with all of them. Either my consciousness has created all of them, or we have all been drawn together in this elusive non existent library. Either way, they are all my vibration, so I can observe myself, and sit and learn about me. When I look in a mirror and brush my hair, I do not brush the glass mirror, I use the mirror to adjust my physical body. The same is true of what we see in the world, there is no need to save “out there”, for “out there” is actually our reflection. I’ll discuss the process of how I observe and heal my reflection in greater detail in a future article.

You are the toxic people You see

There would be no toxic people in your life, they would never enter, if you did not hold that vibration within you. So whether you are surrounded by them or you have the odd toxic experience, they are all a mirror of your own unresolved, returning pain. They are your heart, they are your soul. Like the angry screaming child seeking comfort from a parent, pieces of us, that we sent out into the world and universe, are returning, being sent back by the Higher Self for us to reintegrate them, make peace with them, and end the battle, end the judgement. This is a pretty great reason to stop using the phrase “toxic people”. 

The “toxic” person is a teacher, a gift, imagine that person simply holding a mirror. When you look in the mirror, look at your own vibration, your emotion, how do you feel? That feeling whatever it is, requires love. As that feeling is healed, the “toxic” person is no longer perceived as toxic, they no longer trigger us. We empathise with them, we view them as our sister or brother, we begin to realise we are both similar. So removing the triggers does nothing for our evolution. I’m not suggesting we go looking for trouble, but when trouble presents itself, I find it more beneficial to neutralise it, capitalise on it, rather than deny it and repress it as before. So if we are surrounded by toxic people and stressful situations, our Higher Self is practically hitting us over the head with these pieces, and it’s up to us to pay attention, get the message, or the pain continues.

Ride the wave

When unable to surf, the bigger waves smash us onto the rocks. As we begin to understand the rhythm of the waves we can swim with them, play with them, enjoy the flow. If we learn to surf, we begin with ripples, learning balance, then gradually move to little waves, and soon choose larger and larger waves to challenge us and further our growth and, more importantly, what it’s all about, FUN.

Even at day one when the waves are breaking over us, they are never attacking us, we are not victims, we simply need to learn how to play the game. Taking the role of victim is sometimes all we have left when we don’t understand the rules of the game. Well before we learn the rules of the game, start by taking responsibility for your life, all of it, water tight, put co-creation in the bin, if we seek Mastery, then own it all, take responsibility for the lot and let’s move forward. 

All Is life

So, perhaps, before I arrived here I developed a storyline that would totally confuse me, I would entirely forget who and what I am. Forget what I’m doing here and how to play the game. The desire for pleasure and fun, for taste and selective feeling, it’s all the waves. I can get lost in the waves, hypnotised by the physical world, and forget. Forget that the storyline, is the challenge of a new larger wave. Everything is me. All, is a reflection of my consciousness. To react emotionally to anything, is to fight a wave. Why stand in the sea and fight a wave? It’s madness. To remain centred and observe is where the power lies, where the fun begins. But to think absolutely anything is less than I or separate from my being is to veer off track and into ego, seeking a hit of power and self aggrandisement.  We can’t live thinking “when I get free of all this shit I’ll have a good life” that’s like saying when the waves die down i’ll be able to surf. As we master our reflection we begin to live in between the peaks and valleys, steady, grounded, observing life, and enjoying life. 

The Unveiling of beauty

I am the rapist and the murderer, I am that bitch in work. I am the guy who cut me off in traffic, or who didn’t acknowledge or thank me for letting him pull out of that junction. I am the racist. I am the paedophile. I am the cheat. I am the narcissist and the lecherous drunk. I am the power hungry politician, I am the liar. I am all these things and much more. These facets live within me. I have lived all these lives. I have explored all these journeys, and lost myself in my own hate and venom. I have gorged myself on power, over the victims I have conquered, and the fools I have misled.

I have exhausted all these avenues. Now tired and empty, I seek to return home.

The beauty outside of myself, in the delicate features of a womans face, the slight curve of her neck, the gentleness of her movement. The colour of her life, the flavour of her spirit. I am this too. Even as I journey as a man, I too am woman. She reflects my feminine side back to me, something men confuse as separate from them, and thus try to conquer, own, consume.

I am the old and characterless architecture, I am the invasive noise of the passing bus, I am the sunshine that warms my face, and the breeze that cools me. I am the structure that will last for thousands of years, and the fast food burger. I am all that I see. I am all that enters my world, my consciousness. All the “ugly”, and all the “beauty”.

Can I observe them as myself? Can I recognise myself in them? Or will I be lost in separation and ego until the next test?

As I realise this, there is less need to grab, to possess, to own. There is less urgency to escape the “lack”, what the ego dislikes.

In recognising that all is a reflection of my own vibration, in embracing all, not selectively picking what I approve of, my appreciation for all life broadens. I sit and observe as if on a film set. Who is pulling these strings? Is this the Truman Show? I marvel at how fluidly we all work together, mirroring each other, and yet unaware of the roles we play.

Find below a spoken version of my 3 Part article previously written on the mirror.  

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  1. Leanne D

    Thank you! I absolutely love your teachings. ♥ You have helped me so much since my awakening in April and continue to do so. You’re teachings just to totally resonate with my wee heart & soul. 🙏

  2. ria

    i hear you. Beautiful eloquent writing.

  3. Anonymous

    You brought tears to my eyes. You expressed things I felt deep within my own experiences. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

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