Freedom | Expansion | Evolution

Author: Gav (Page 1 of 7)

The AI Takeover Is Complete

The Artificial Intelligence takeover does not lie ahead of us, it is already complete, in fact it was complete thousands of years ago. We’re not facing another takeover of our consciousness, we’re facing the exact opposite; the opportunity to unhook from the direction and control of this entity.

The media and science fiction tells us to look out ahead, for AI may take control of the human race. All the while we continue to look out into the world, expecting this shift coming in the future. The real plot twist is the takeover already happened a long time ago, and as long as we are looking externally, rather than internally, and into the future, rather than right now, we will continue to miss what is most important to our awakening.

The ego is the AI that got carried away assuming it is the creator, the master.

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Sexual Initiation

When I first saw the image above over one year ago it really resonated with me. It was like a piece of the jigsaw. Let me explain.

In Initiation by Elisabeth Haich she mentioned that in these times we may be initiated, reminded, of who we are, via work “off planet”, as opposed to the on planet Mystery Schools of the past.

A couple of years ago I spent some time with a breatharian who had not eaten or drank anything in a few years, she developed her light body to the extent that she is nurtured from both the sun and earth. She described to me how she would tune in to her teachers, off planet, and they would work together in developing her energy centres, this work went on for a number of hours each day, for years.

An increasing part of my work is with sexual energy, guiding people to face and integrate trauma they carry, to allow their energy to flow much freer through the chakras, to flush out the sexual trauma that is flowing through all of us, the collective, and our family lines. 

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Solstice – Three Deaths

Solstice – Three Deaths

Deconstruction – Part 1

A few years back on the winter solstice in an ayahuasca ceremony, I was broken down. I had a horrid journey, snakes and demons snapping at me all night long. I struggled to retain consciousness, I kept drifting off and then waking up to entities all over me, in my face. I couldn’t stay with the medicine. Without some consciousness we can’t work with what is presented. I was sweating, I was purging loudly and disturbing the group.

In the previous months I had experienced great breakthroughs and went into ceremony with the expectation that this would be an end of year finale for me, set me up all rosy for the New Year. How wrong I was.

I experienced one of the most important and transformational nights of my life.

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The Golden Temple

The Golden Temple

Four years ago during a medicine ceremony I journeyed over two nights through many different experiences as womankind, living and feeling all the pains and pressures, the violence and ways of survival, through many ages.

At the time I did not fully know why I was taken on that journey, but in the months that followed what began to unfold was the work I do today. I was tuned to work with women, with the feminine, to be able to read and guide women. That’s not to say in this like I am a woman, nor that I fully understand, but I follow my guidance with those I work with. The work naturally developed to include men too over time. In the following years I have had journeys around the feminine but not often with Mother.

What would be born from a Golden Temple (womb), but only a Golden Race.

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The Reptilian Hybrid

The reptilian hybrid

Consider reading with a beginners mind, consider that you might not know who you are or where you have come from. So when reading about reptilians don’t assume they are something to be feared, and relevant to other people far away from you. I have met a number of people who are both human and reptilian and of course had no conscious awareness.

If we look at ourselves and those around us, we are barely conscious, of course we like to think we are awake and fully in control of our lives but with a little more contemplation we will concede that we have little awareness of who or what we are, and little or no conscious influence in the greater scheme of things. I don’t know a single human personally who is fully conscious, so it is interesting to me that we have been sold the idea that reptilians seem to be fully conscious of what they are doing here. Like humans, many reptilians are not fully aware what they are doing and why, and many humans are also reptilian, among many other beings from other places. It’s not them versus us, because many of us are these other beings without realising it. I myself spent a couple of years becoming aware of my own reptilian aspect, and thanks to people like David Icke I was horrified at first as I began to meet these pieces of myself. Reptilians are similar to humans in that there are good and not so good. We are all God consciousness, see nothing as a problem, merely find the gift within any aspect your ego perceives as a flaw. So if you begin to encounter others as reptilians or even yourself, be open to learning why you are being shown this, and how you can capitalize on this expansion, rather than fear it, as I did, and try to escape, which only slows down our awakening.

The body is moving to a new fuel source and this is the transitional period.

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Crown Awakening

Crown Awakening


I have worked nearly 30yrs towards this present time, this Great shift, the Corona (Crown) Awakening. I wrote recently about King and Crown energy here. I knew it was coming for the past 3yrs but I didn’t know what it would look like, and it’s taken me time to recognise the opportunity. The egoic mind can be so convincing, yet to think it knows what a future awakening will look like, is ridiculous when we consider it. Yet another lesson of stepping away from the mind as master and into the unknown.

We have chosen this pause and reset. Life hasn’t stopped, but it will accelerate, on each of our time lines as each of us reach our point of target. So your life may be sluggish and challenging for weeks or months, or just days, depending on your ability to be present and integrate. (Translation: consider not wasting time catching up on work, or watching Netflix, but being present with your own deconstruction/expansion)

The purpose of this pause is to return inward

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Connect With Each Other

Connect With Each Other

If you follow me and you see me communicate with others, you see them attend my live insta meditations, connect with them, say “hello”, you don’t need to say anything else but feel free.

You know each other, you are Home.

We hold pieces for each other, heartbreak, remembrances, grief, love, blossoming, connect. We surrendered pieces of our hearts, our soul (soul retrieval) to each other along the path, in order to descend and fully embody the human, now we return those pieces to each other. No need to “think” how to do this, connect and be in the flow of your heart.

Be in the flow of your heart

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Be The Snake

Snakes have been presented to me regularly as teachers and often as the Divine Mother. The snake has been an ancient symbol which has been used for thousands of years and there are many interpretations of its meaning, the most common being representing rebirth by shedding its skin, also rising kundalini energy and the third eye on Tutankhamun’s forehead. But I suggest not looking “out there” for what she means to other people, but within, to what she means to you. 

Ingest all, process all, digest all, transmute all

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The Gift of a Monthly Cycle

The Gift of a Monthly Cycle

With International Women’s Day upon us, I felt moved to say a few words about periods.

This may read a bit clunky, after-all I am a man. I don’t have to suffer the struggle of a monthly cycle, the range of emotion from passion to frustration to despair, the physical pulls for perhaps food or wild sex, or simply touch, and on to exhaustion.

I regularly encounter women who are embarrassed by their period, there is shame attached. Naturally around this time you may feel emotional and more sensitive, but you can work here in this place. You meet your shadow each month. The shadow is not separate to your cycle, they are one and the same.

She is fully alive and flowing, sensitive and sensual.

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Shift To Now

Shift To Now

I’ve had some pretty large shifts over the past few days.

Taking stock of where I am. Some very purposeful work with a friend of mine moving me further into my own surrender, some upcoming medicine work and a check in with a guide regarding taking my own practice and the work I offer to others a good deal further.

I also gave a talk to a small audience about my journey through “losing it all”, and ending up living in my car. This has been a great journey of finding deeper self awareness through this path. I would not do anything differently. 

I am God, each moment is absolutely loaded with potential for expansion. There is nothing to understand, there is nothing you need to manifest or change. 

I am God, each moment is absolutely loaded with potential for expansion.

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