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Brexit Is Meaningless

Brexit is meaningless

Okay, maybe Brexit is not totally meaningless, how about 95% meaningless? If Britain do indeed exit the EU, this could be the start of something great, but if they do not exit, all our thoughts and discussions over recent months have been a waste of time, a distraction.

Like many I do hope that the masses are beginning to realise the damage that government does. And I do think we are moving in that direction. But I’m not convinced yet that Brexit is any indication of this change.

Ultimately the entire Brexit campaign in my view is pushing two agendas from the elite:

  1. A propaganda piece to show the public not only how much they need central government, whether UK or EU is irrelevant. Show people Donald Trump, an they elect Hillary Clinton, perhaps the most volatile and corrupt woman on the planet. Show people the EU and they run into the arms of Westminster, or visa versa, run to your captor.
  2. Distraction: increasingly I see distraction as the most overlooked destructive tool the elite, and those in power hold. Distraction from living, from each individual discovering their own power. Why let millions of people decide how to live their lives when you can tell them and steer them?

Leviathan is still leviathan

David Cameron said he would invoke Article 50 immediately if the public voted to Leave. Granted it’s still early days, at time of writing eleven days since the referendum, but Dave has announced he will step down as PM and has stated he will not invoke Article 50, leaving it to his successor. Hmmm.

I wonder who might be his successor. I wonder if they will, over time, find a reason for a rerun of the referendum. Meanwhile musical chairs of the representatives of the elite is a fine distraction.

Pro Brexit people are delighted with the Leave result, as they really see it as a message to the elites that average people are realising what is going on and rejecting this central authority. I dispute this view:

  • As I write this the Irish and UK media is fully describing the Leave vote as a mistake, suggesting Leave voters were misguided.
  • Also there are ongoing protests by Remain voters to try to get the result overturned, or get a rerun of the referendum. This happened in Ireland with the Lisbon Treaty and worked.
  • People tell me it’s easier to dismantle a national gov than a European superstate. Hmmm leviathan is still leviathan. But before you even consider that, you need the will to do so. I only see a minute number of people like myself in favour of dismantling these states. I see tens of millions who want the EU as the nanny, and I see tens of millions who want Westminster as the nanny.

Brexit Is Meaningless

Why I think The Referendum Was Meaningless

Either Mark Twain or Emma Goldman said “If voting changed anything they’d make it illegal.” I completely agree with this, water tight, air tight, no maybes. Let’s be realistic for a moment:

  • I don’t believe for a second Cameron and his buddies in a back room decided to have this election and accept whatever the outcome might be. I’d be pretty sure Cameron ran that idea by the real elite of Europe before considering announcing anything to the public about a referendum.
  • I would also believe the elite, I don’t mean politicians, I mean owners of the Bank of England, owners of the ECB, designers of the European Union, just imagine whatever faceless masters pull the strings of power hungry politicians. Whoever really makes the decisions. These people would have sat down long before Cameron’s announcement and discussed how things may look for them depending on either result. If either result could hurt them I have no doubt the referendum would not have been allowed. Would they worry the masses are reacting? Did they worry when the Irish voted against Lisbon? Did they worry when one million people marched on London against the Iraq war?
  • Many Brits do not like the EU, however the vast majority of these people have been under the rule of the elites long before the EU, and will gladly continue to be after the fall of the EU, whenever that happens. Voting changes none of this.
  • Rejection of the EU is not rejection of centralised authority, merely it is a desire for a different master, who in fact whips the slaves just as fiercely, works them just as hard, and in my view actually despises them even more than the EU.

Lets say the elites do want the UK to remain in the EU, whether to further the march towards a one world government, or to simply retain power and wealth. To convince people to vote in favour of this, in this day and age is quite an easy thing to accomplish:

  • They could rig the result. Perhaps they did, perhaps the 52/48 is part of the ongoing distraction.
  • If vote rigging seems too risky, let the honest vote go through and then simply don’t trigger Article 50, play the PR game, get the media to back the Remain side, convince people that a mistake has been made, take your time, wheel out some celebrities and academics to promote your cause. As the result was so close it won’t take much to raise a few new Remain voters.
  • As I understand it there is a time limit and after that Brexit needs approval of 14 EU states. Sit out the time limit and then observe what the elites tell the other states to do.

Still not convinced?

  • Throw in some economic predictions, or better yet, perhaps another recession.
  • Who could you get some more votes from? The young. What do they want? Free stuff. Throw some free stuff at the young voters, perhaps something more than cheap phone calls this time, the kids love a free lunch, or a useless degree from a European university. Sold!

Still need convincing?

  • Nothing like a good old terrorist attack. Whether genuine (greased wheels), or a full False Flag would result in blanket media coverage, candle light vigils and of course a twibbon on your twitter account to show solidarity with the “victims”. Surely we can’t be that daft to leave the EU at such a time when terrorists are roaming about bombing innocent people?! Are you mad? We need to stick together. “Better Together In Europe” and “United In Europe” ahh wonderful, problem solved.

When I observe the news worldwide, all I see is PR, and terrible PR at that, dodgy scripts, weak ideas, badly executed by people who were not creative enough to make it in advertising, and only stupid enough to make it as an underling in politics.

I am more than willing to be wrong about all the above. In fact I hope my views of the world are foolish and fantastical, I hope Brexit is triggered in the coming days, not two years from now after many meetings, fighting, time-wasting and worst of all, the distraction of many peoples attention and energy. But as I alluded to above, a Brexit in my eyes is not enough for me. I will begin to sit up and take notice when the masses begin to reject central governance. Not exchange one ruler for the next. A Brexit will only prove to be relevant if after Britain gets out of the EU, the masses then turn their attention to dismantling Westminster.

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  1. Thomas

    Lucid post with which I fully agree.

  2. Thomas

    Just a quick comment.

    Your point about distraction as a methodology of control is on point. And as you pointed out in a previous post, Why I love Conspiracy Theorists, the mainstream media relies on entertainment rather than critical thinking to push its views on a dumbed down public.

    These considerations are neatly captured by the French word for entertainment, divertissement, which literally means distraction diverting your attention from what matters.

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