Freedom | Expansion | Evolution

Category: Awakening (Page 2 of 6)

Why Breathe?

Twelve years ago I was in a Ramtha retreat high in the Italian mountains, far away from anywhere. After a focus exercise, I stopped breathing for what felt like minutes. I mean three or four minutes. My body didn’t breathe, I had no need to breathe. I didn’t plan or intend this, my mind was elsewhere until I realised my body was no longer breathing, so I lay there and observed the stillness, until the breath began again.

If you’re invested in security and certainty, you are on the wrong planet.
    — Pema Chödrön

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Heaven On Earth

Heaven on earth

How do we get to a higher human experience? How about a higher relationship with a mate truly on our level? Or a career that is totally purposeful and fulfilling? Or sex that is passionate and free of any hangups or insecurities, shame or guilt? To feel free around others, without social pressure, to be at ease? How do we work towards heaven on earth?

A person hears only what they understand. – Goethe

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Soul Retrieval

Soul Retrieval


Over a year ago I began contemplating and writing about our world as a Mirror or Reflection of our own consciousness in this article entitled There Is No Spoon.

My theory then, and certainly still today is that those people around us merely reflect back to us, pieces of our soul that we are unaware of. This is absolute. So every single person in your life, from the person one hundred yards down the street that you’ve never met nor never will, to the crazy person in traffic, to the bully in work, to the people on TV for a split second as you surf through the channels, they all vibrate with you on some level, they would not enter your consciousness if they did not vibrate with you.

A whole being, is a spirit that has fully integrated all facets, including the shadow, including our darkness, our pain and shame.

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When There’s No Place Left To Go, We Go Home

When There’s No Place Left To Go, We Go Home

I think our journey, certainly as human beings, consists of two overall stages, the journey away from ourselves, to expand, to play, to grow and be tested. And then a second stage, the journey back home, to return to ourselves. Both stages I imagine can take many many lifetimes.

Freedom meant one thing to him – home. But they wouldn’t let him go home.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

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Greater Lessons From The Mirror

Greater Lessons From The Mirror

We are already free, we are already whole, we are already enough, but to realise these states, can only be done by testing the boundaries, to find the walls of the cage, to push against them, to indulge in all the third dimensional pleasures and distractions, and lose ourselves. By losing our true spirit, by getting lost down narrow avenues, we realise we miss the great expanse of our own souls, and as this discomfort settles in, so begins the journey home. We must lose ourselves, to find ourselves. This is the journey we are on. This is the Homecoming. And from this life, right now, (you did chose to come to this site and read this article), if we can retain some degree of self awareness, can hold a beginning, middle and end, we can add a little more conscious wisdom to our storehouse, and very gradually the path begins to unfold before us.

Whereas once I was lost, now I am found,

Whereas once i was blind now i can see

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What Chaos Looks Like

what chaos looks like

The last week has been a (perfect) mess, I feel I’m wading through oil at times. To give you an idea of how I ended up here, what it looks like, and how I get through it, read on.

  1. In the past five weeks I have taken part in a Kambo ceremony (Shamanic frog medicine, not for the feint of heart). I really felt my heart open in the week after this, as always there is a price to a deeper love, and that is being the release of pain, grief, vulnerability.
  2. The following week I had a holotropic breathwork session. I already knew I was wide open, and breathwork took me another layer deeper. In the days after I was very aware of how vulnerable I was, emotional, rocky. It was this week that I met the woman I understand who was my daughter and wife in previous lives. You can listen to that story here. 
  3. Seven days after breathwork I had an ayahuasca ceremony, my 10th. This was a powerful night, although quite hard work. The medicine is not a breeze, has never been for me, it’s hard going at times. Again I was aware in the days after how rocky and emotional I was, and needed to mind myself, take care of myself.

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Surfing Consciousness

Surfing Consciousness

As I discussed in my previous article about the mirror, There Is No Spoon, all the challenges in your life you invited. Your Higher Self is sending these people that challenge, irritate, anger you, they are gifts, they play a role and mirror your own consciousness, the vibration that arises within you, is within you, and being shown to you for you to heal it. What you see before your eyes is entirely a physical reflection of your consciousness, all of it.

Feeling stuck, or stagnant, is when we are less aware of the lessons being sent. There are no days off. The Higher Self has not taken a break for a few months to let us claw around in the dark. We are immersed in feedback. Often feeling stuck is simply because we have not found the courage to take action, and often many of us will wait until we have no choice, until we are backed into a corner. I was that guy and probably will be again. And that’s okay, lessons come in waves, it takes practise to read the wave.

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Solar Eclipse – A Commitment To Liberation

Solar Eclipse – A Commitment To Liberation

There’s plenty of articles and videos online right now about the Solar Eclipse due in a few days. And there are far more qualified people than I to explain what will occur, and perhaps what it all means. So I won’t take you down that path.

I will just point out that during some of these larger solar or astrological changes I have noticed myself to be under a little or a lot more pressure. Often with these changes we think of energy upgrades and downloads of new information and abilities. The internet points out all the glowing ascension stuff with lots of fluffy terminology. That’s all well and good and may well be the case. But often, not always, these shifts can knock us for a few days. My own experience is that most of my own upgrades have come at a price, after challenging dark ceremonies or periods of recovery, I managed to crawl out of the woods a little wiser or lighter than before.

Dreaming and visualisation is wonderful, but action is what changes your world.

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The Duality Of Wealth And Poverty

 The Duality of wealth and poverty

Man values security over liberty.

Man in his basest form has little or no awareness of the spirit. No awareness of his power or that there are perhaps other karmic timelines, or soul contract lessons being played out. Other than his tiny world view that he is hypnotised by, convinced of, little else grabs his attention, until, these limited paths become predictable and repetitive, then we become frustrated and begin to look elsewhere.

Spirit created the duality of abundance and lack to fully experience total abundance with the perspective of total lack. Consider that nature is perfectly balanced and fully abundant. The cycle of the seasons, death and regeneration is always at work, there is no moment when the program switches off.

The lesson lies in the inner world, on identifying the messenger of the outer world.

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Holotropic Breathwork To DMT

Holotropic Breathwork to dmt

Over a recent weekend I entered into a couple of deeper works, a Holotropic Breathwork day on Saturday, my fourth this year, and I received DMT in ceremony on Monday, my first time with this medicine. In the days after I can feel I’m wide open, irritable, vulnerable, sensitive, and the reflection is palpable. When I tune in, become present and conscious, I can see what has been placed before me is intentional, and purposeful for my awareness and growth, certainly not random. The sense of an expanded consciousness is both invigorating and frightening. The familiar world view is comfortable, the confusion of that falling away is unnerving and leads to the “am I going mad?” thought from time to time. But out of this new unexplored state, comes new ideas and perceptions, a small step further into awareness of my path, of who and what I am, of what this place is.

Expansion is now

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